¸á¹ø > ±¸ÀÎ/±¸Á÷ > Àü¹®Á÷ > C/Java/Oracle/Unix °¡´É(ÆÄƮŸÀÓ/°è¾àÁ÷) |
C/Java/Oracle/Unix °¡´É(ÆÄƮŸÀÓ/°è¾àÁ÷)
±¤°íÀÚ : Á¤¼öÇö ( [email protected] )
¿Ã¸°³¯Â¥ : 2010-02-15 01:43:21
Á¶È¸ : 2550
¡¤ ȸ»ç¸í : ¼ÒÇÁÆ®¿þ¾î
¡¤ ¾÷ Á¾ : software programmer
¡¤ ȸ»çÁÖ¼Ò : [email protected]
¡¤ ÀüȹøÈ£ : 1056643999
My name is Julia Jung.
I am qualified with certifications of
Industrial Engineer for Information and data Processing of Korea,
Certified Systems Administrator for Hewlett Packard Unix,
SCJP (Sun Certified Programmer for the Java), and
Oracle 9i Database Administrator Certified Professional (OCP).
I have work experiences as
Canadian French Text-to-speech C programmer for LG mobile phone in LG R&D in Seoul, Korea,
NEC Production Management Operation System for NEC Information Systems Inc. in Tokyo, Japan
Shikoku-Kouchi hydroelectric power plant Management System for Toshiba Process Software Inc. in Tokyo, Japan,
School academic career Management system for Fujitsu BSC Tradepia in Tokyo, Japan, and
DB Tool for Korean International Trade Assoc., Seoul, Korea.
I have studied Computer Science in University of Toronto, Canada and lived there for 7 and half years.
I am fluent in English, Japanese and korean.
I have got granted Australia Working Holiday Visa (known as 1 yr working visa) from Australian Government and the date of entry to Australia is on March 11th, 2010.
I can start to work immediately.
Please feel free to contact me for further information at the mail address, [email protected].
Thank you.